The Afterlife Project

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Thursday, May 13, 2010


Wednesday, May 5, 2010
I called and interviewed a Muslim and Catholic preacher.
Catholic- Father Bill

Muslim-Rabbi Miller

Each priest that was interviewed was asked 10 questions. These ranged from being scared of death, what happens when infants die, if deeds on earth changes what happens in the afterlife, if how you die effects anything, etc. Both people answered to the best of their abilities. I was not able to get in touch with the other two, Jewish and Christian. The Muslim faith believes strongly in the Allah, or God, and Muhammad. They also think that if an infant should die, even though it is debatable, he or she spends time "in limbo", or an undecided state before entering either Heaven or Hell. This goes the same with the Catholic faith. For the most part, infants go to Heaven or Paradise when they die. The Muslim believed that when we die on earth, the either enter a place of Hell such as christians believe, or a state of Paradise, or Heaven. Deeds done on earth greatly influence one's outcome of the afterlife in Muslim tradition. If one commits suicide, one is sentenced to Hell, for both Catholic and Muslim faith.

I learned many things from this interview. I learned to be very open minded when it comes to my belief and religion because Christian isn't the only type of faith in the world. There are Athiest, Jews, and all sorts of different unique beliefs about life and death, ecspecially death. I am glad I chose this topic because I learned many things throughout this project, not only from one or two blogs. The interviewed religious leaders were nice and understood that even though I was not of their faith, they were willing to answer any questions I had about it. They appreciated the fact that I was there listening because most people don't give other religions or beliefs unlike theirs the time of day anymore. I hope I can choose to branch out more and learn more about the afterlife past this project.

Post 7-Book Review

Thursday, April 29, 2010

In the novel The Five People You Meet In Heaven by Mitch Albom, death is revealed to an old man named Eddie. He works in an amusement park called Ruby Pier. As an attempt to rescue a little girl from a falling roller coaster, his life is hopelessly taken from him. As the book continues, it is revealed that Eddie was never truly satisfied with his life. His father treated him like he would amount to nothing in the world and didn't really ever aknowledge his existence. Eddie also served in the military during the Veitnam war. He eventually meets five people that had a great impact on his life, reguardless if Eddie had ever seen them before. These people changed Eddies life forever, and vise versa. For example, Eddie's captain during the war, simply called Captain, meets Eddie in heaven. However heaven is the war, just reinacted. My favorite quote is said by the Captain when he states, "dying?Not the end of everything,We think it is. But what happens on earth is only the beginning."(91)The point of the introduction to these five people is that things can change within the blink of an eye wether you know it or not. Also to realize that when your are dead on earth, you still have much more to learn about your past. You will always and forever be accountable for your actions, good or bad.

This book has really made me consider the belief of meeting certain people when people go to heaven. I have always wondered if they reunite with their loved ones, or if they simply meet new people who don't live on earth any longer. This book is very interesting because I have never considered the theory that people encounter meeting others who have died because of their incident or mistake. One of the most crucial parts in the book is at the very end. Eddie meets the girl that he attempted to rescue during a bombing of Veitnam from the U.S. He runs in a building to save her, but it is too late. The Captain has to even shoot him from not getting himself killed in the fire. As the unite in heaven, Eddie sees the girl with burns on her face, arms, back, and sides. She then asks Eddie to scrape away the burns in a river. As he does so, her skin becomes healthy and normal in seconds. This shows that although mistakes have their consequenses, once you take responsibility for your actions, people learn to put it behind them and move on. This book has proudly given me a different view of the afterlife, which gives me another answer to my question.

Albom, Mitch. the Five People You Meet in Heaven. New York: Edwin H. Morris, 2003.

Post 6-Multimedia Video

Thursday, April 15, 2010

This video makes people think about all the possiblities of people's different interpritations of the afterlife because there could be so many.The woman, Carole Lynne who is a Pych Medium , explains her theories of the afterlife. She also talks about what other people have told her about what happens but she claims that they really have no idea what could happen. She states, "I hear from those in spirit", meaning that she gets her opinions from the spirits of the dead. She also claims that if people go to the "spirit world" with unresolved problems, then the spirit world can help you and guide you through those issues. She thinks that there is a loving world that will guide people to make the right choices.
I think this video is interesting.It gives viewers a look at someone who has actually had true experience in this certain field. It also is a little curious to how she communicates with the spirits. That is one factor I wish they would have gone over more. However, Carole seems very confident in her answers and acts like other people who just assume these answers about death aren't necessarily right. I understand her for the most part, but how do people know she has ever really talked to spirits? Overall I think this video could be very mind-oppening to young viewers who are interested in the answer to this question about death. I hope more answers will come along as well.

Post 5-Muslims- Judgement Day

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

In the article Islamic's Belief in the Afterlife, Muslim's belief of the afterlife have some of the same concepts as Christians.They believe in a day of resurrection or judgement day. On this day the Allah will raise people from the dead to be judged. Before this day occurs, the dead await in their grave. If one person is going to hell, they will feel suffering in their graves. Then those going to heaven will wait peacefully. The ressurection day forMuslims is physical. God is supposed to re-create the dead body. God also judges what one has done in life, as states in the article, "One's eternal destination depends on balance of good to bad deeds in life" (1). After this, they are sentenced to either Paradaise or Hell, somewhat like Heaven and Hell for Christians, depending on their deeds and accomplishments.

I learned alot from this article. I did not know that Muslim's had any of the sam views we did on the afterlife in general. I think its good how they both have an idea of heaven and hell. This is better than athiest who doesn't believe anything will happen when you no longer live on earth. I do not understand that. This article taught me more about Muslim traditions of judgment day that did not know before reading this.

Anonymous , "The Afterlife in Islam ". Religion Facts. 14 April 2010 .

Post 4-Multimedia video

Thursday, April 8, 2010

This video explains so much about what happens when people die. Larry King is not only interviewing a christian pastor or Catholic leader, but many different beliefs are presently being interviewed. The Christian pastor claims " no one can obey the law of God. No one. No one can go to heaven on their own.We need grace. We need mercy.We need forgiveness." I agree with this statement.I also understand with Larry King's discussion of being scared of dying. Most everyone is reguardless if they want to admit it or not. You can obviously see that the Christian man is doing the most talking, however, they all believe that God has a plan for every person. This video can be taken many different ways, harsh and offensive or understandable and "praise worthy". It all depends on the person's religion.

This video relates to my topic very well and I agree with several things said by all people. However I do wish that the athiest woman had more to say, because I was interested on what her belief was of the afterlife, if she has faith in no god at all. If a person who is not of the Christian faith watches this video, he or she will probably be offended at first, but there are several different people that represent more than one religion, which is very good. For example, the Muslim, Christian, Athiest, and Catholic preachers all had a say so in the question of "what will happen when you die".I am confident that this video would easily spark many discussions of that question.

Post 3-Buddist View of the Afterlife

In the article How Different Religions Use the Afterlife byKevin Williams the Buddhist view of death and dying is explained. The goal of the Buddhist life is to escape the cycle of death and rebirth. It explains more as the article states, "Buddha asserted that what keeps us bound to the death/rebirth process is desire, desire in the sense of wanting or craving anything in the world"(1). Buddhist also believe that instead of individuals having eternal souls they consist of a bundle of habits,memories, sensations, desires, and so on. Their physical body is viewed negativley, as the source of all suffering. The spirit of the death goes through a process lasting 49 days and divided into 3 parts called "bardos". In conclusion of this, the person either goes into nirvana, which means freedom, or back to earth for rebirth. The person's thoughts while dying also heavy influence the after-death experience and the state of one's next incarnation.
I think that this quick view of death and dying according to Buddhist is very interesting. This is a new perspective to my question that I never knew about. Buddhist basically believe in next to nothing. They do believe in a sense of freedom when you die depending on your thoughts as you are dying, but if you don't go into nirvana, then you go back to earth for rebirth. That part is slightly confusing to me but I have learned more information on Buddhist thanks to this helpful article.
Williams, Kevin. "How Different Religions View the Afterlife". VICTOR J ZAMMIT . 10 April 2010 .