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Post 2-Heaven and Hell

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In the encyclopedia of Afterlife Beliefs and Phenomena in the chapter heaven and Hell ,the most popular "solutions" to the problem of judging the right and wrong is to create a realm of reward for the good and bad which is normally referred to as heaven and hell.This concept is also said to consist of three levels:an upper world beyond the sky where the gods of light live,a middle realm occupied by humans , and a lower world beneath earth where gods of darkness reside. A common result of this moral division is the section if reward was placed in the upper world with gods and the realm of punishment in the lower world with the demons. The Christian tradition consists of devils that torment the souls of the damned.The more detailed version of heaven and sins is seen when it states, "Another solution is to postulate a series of multiple heavens and hells, or levels of heaven and hell, in which good people and sinners are rewarded or punished according to the degree of their noble deeds or sins" (181). Hell also is believed to consist of volcanic activity when the underworld shoots up liquid fire in form of molten lava. On the other side, heaven acts as a place where the deceased have wings and sit around on clouds. Sinners on earth have cleansed souls in heaven and are purified.

This chapter is very relavent to my topic in that heaven and hell is the most widespread belief of the afterlife. I believe in this theory considering I am a part of thr Christian and babtist religion. I think that everyone sins on earth but it is a persons job to ask for forgiveness in order to have a purified soul in heaven.
Lewis, James R.. Encyclopedia of Afterlife Beliefs and Phenomena. Detroit: Visible Ink Press, 1995.


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